
Crockpot White Chicken Cream Cheese Chili

This recipe is so easy and it is amazing... You can make it on the stove if you would rather, but given the choice, I am going with the crockpot! I combined a recipe my sister in law gave me with an inspiration from a local restaurant and this is the result. Enjoy!
1 pack of chicken breasts (mine had 5, you can use less but you may want to adjust the amount of beans if you do)
1 pack McCormick's white chicken chili seasoning
1 bag of "Seasoning Blends" (chopped onion, bell pepper and red pepper from the frozen aisle)
3-4 cans of white beans (whichever you prefer)
1 block of cream cheese
- Combine chicken breasts, seasoning, seasoning blends, and beans (I do two drained cans and two full cans so that there is a little liquid) Cook on high for approx. 4 hours to cook chicken or about 8 hours on low.
-When chicken is cooked through, shred it and put it back in.
-Cut the block of cream cheese into pieces and add to the crockpot. Stir until melted.
-Garnish with your favorite chili toppings.


Sometimes life is crazy

Let me preface this by saying that I do love my dog... BUT when is he going to calm down??? He wears me out.

This morning while getting breakfast made I heard a loud BANG in the backyard. When I looked out the kitchen window, this is what I saw. In case you are wondering, that is our heavy 8 person patio table and its glass top flipped out into the yard. No, we didn't have a windstorm or anything reasonable like that... the dog did it. He is lucky that he didn't crash through the glass top. Bad thing is, I wasn't even surprised

Every afternoon after work, we take a walk down to our pond where I can let Ike and Keating run until they're exhausted. They think it is great, but they have no idea that I am not all fun and games... this is a tactic I use to wear them out so that they will sleep! Keating will run pushing his dump truck the entire time. Yesterday he complained that his little legs hurt from pushing his truck... I'm sure they did, it seemed like a great work out! Maybe his mom should try it.

Y'all may think I'm cruel, but if not I will make 100 trips into Keating's room as he yells for water, toys, snacks or bathroom breaks and Ike will kindly wake me up at 3am to want to play. On nights when Brad is working its all I can do to get a little rest. I really dont know how single moms do it. My hat goes off to you ladies.

I am not intending to complain, but this new season of our lives has taken quite a bit of adjusting. The house is a wreck, I need to vacuum and the laundry never ceases. I am only managing to cook 2 days a week and the other days we eat leftovers. To the moms that can do it all... please send over some pointers!!! Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning. There are not enough hours in the day to get everything done. The hours of 6-10pm are filled with: play, bath, dinner, dishes, story, bedtime, laundry, shower and photo editing. Anyone have any time saving tips? I'm all ears!


Weekend in Photos

This weekend was a rather busy one...
Anniversary date night to Downtown Kitchen- Amazing food! Followed by a little live music
A sleepover at my sister in law's for the boys... and sleeping in on Saturday morning for us!
A trip to the pumpkin patch with every other family in Georgia. The place was packed!
Georgia Football 
Organizing baby clothes
Paula Deen's Apple Crisp recipe cooked and consumed YUM
A friend's birthday party
Playing in our own personal "bounce" in the backyard, everyone including the dogs enjoyed it.


 That about sums it up.
PS Just in case you are keeping track... I completely fell off of the 31 day posting wagon. Oops.


4 years later

On a beautiful Autumn afternoon, 4 years ago today I married the greatest man I have ever met. Every day I am proud to call him my husband. Standing there at the altar, we had no idea what life had in store for us, but we were excited to start the adventure together. The past 4 years have been quite the ride, but I would not change one thing. 3 houses and 2 kids later, I know that we are exactly where God meant for us to be. We are blessed without measure and I pray that we have many more years of wedded bliss.
Happy anniversary to us! =)


Happy 6 Months Archer!

 Happy 6 Months to my little man Archer! Archer you are such a happy baby, and you truly light up our lives. I don't remember what our home was like without you in it.
You are growing so fast, and I only wish time would stop in its tracks so that I can enjoy you at this moment. You are now sitting up on your own, eating real baby food, and you squeal and jibber jabber constantly. You are a big boy and wearing the same clothes Keating wore at 12 months. He better watch out because you are going to catch up to him!
You love being a part of everything, and you are getting to the point where you want to be involved with anything we are doing. If we aren't holding you so that you can see, you get really mad. You love watching your brother, you think Keating is hilarious and it is great watching the bond that the two of you already share. You are going to be the best of friends. Even though you are still a bit young to play, you enjoy sitting to watch Keating play with his trains. Sometimes he even shares them with you. Sometimes... we will keep working on sharing.



You love going for walks, watching Sesame Street, your toes, playing with the dogs, kisses on your cheeks, your duck lovie, and snuggling it in your bed.
You hate anything that confines you like your bouncy seat or bumbo. You want to be big.You're not a fan of apple sauce, but you have loved every other food you have tried. You don't like being put down... you always want to be held.
The last six months have truly flown by. Some days have been crazy having two little boys... but every day is a complete blessing. You and your brother make our lives full and rewarding. As much as I want to keep you small forever, I can't wait to see the little boy that you become.

Happy 6 month birthday Charles Archer!


Scenes from the weekend

This weekend just flew by, the weather was perfect and I feel like I finally caught up on a few things around the house... you know, except laundry. I got the privledge to spend a lot of time with this little guy. Friday night, Keating was invited for a sleepover at my parent's house and Brad was working all night. (Did I mention that he works nights? Its not fun) It was nice to get some one on one time with Archer, since I am usually trying to juggle between the two of them on nights when I am at it solo. Keating also enjoyed undivided attention at his grandparent's house, he came home with a nice new train set... yay more toys. He was only gone for a night, but I really missed him! Though I have to admit, it was nice to sleep past 6:30am since he is quite the early riser. Shonnie and G on the otherhand got to wake up before the sun on Saturday morning.

Archer took full advantage of Keating's toys while he was away. I caught him playing with the big tractor behind him. He wants so badly to be a big kid, I wish he would just slow down. He's already sitting in the high chair and eating stage 2 baby food!
Over the past month I have started taking on a few photo projects here and there. I have a little down time after the kids go to bed, so I have been using it to edit photos. I had a shoot scheduled for Saturday, and the weather could not have been more perfect. I met my mom afterwards to get Keating from her and to enjoy a margarita on the patio at Pure. Keating had his first grape Fanta, which he successfully spilled on the floor and the table next to us. Oh the joys of toddlers.
 I have had a lot of projects swimming through my head for the house lately, I am not sure what it is about the change in seasons that gets me nesting? In the photo on the left, I added the top frame to cover a hole in the wall. Yes, we still have random things that need to be done from our home renovation. This was the spot where the old doorbell box thingy was. When installing our new door, the doorbell was completely forgotten. Oops! I don't mind it, because it is one less button for Keating to push and we all know how toddlers love buttons... but we have had the hole just hanging out. Since I know nothing about patching sheetrock, my easy fix was to cover it up. =)

On the right, are the new pillows I made for our couch. I had a light yellow velvet duvet that doesn't fit any of our beds and I nearly threw it away. I started thinking that the velvet would make great pillows. I experimented with a little RIT dye and after two attempts, this is what came of them. I was hoping for them to be a burnt orange, but they are much better than the Tennessee Volunteer orange that they were at first. I also tried a red batch, but it was a disaster. If there is such thing as hot pink-red, that is the color they turned out.

We also have a few fall accents out. The deer antlers must still smell on a dog's level because Ike keeps trying to steal them and eat them.
Sunday, my sister and I introduced my parents to Scott's antique market. Most people go for the fancy antiques, but our favorite part is the "garden center" or salvage yard. There are some great things in there! If you have never been, I highly recommend it. They also have GREAT food!
That was the extent of excitement for our weekend. This week we have fun things on tap like our 4 year anniversary and a trip to the pumpkin patch! How was everyone else's weekend?


Weekend Recap

Friday night we had Brad's 30th birthday party and we could not have had more perfect weather. Naturally I only have one photo from the entire night and it doesn't even include the birthday boy. Oops.
Our house has been getting in the Halloween spirit and it has been invaded by ghosts. Keating is kind of like an ostrich... He thinks he can't be seen if his head is covered up. Silly kid. 
 We also went to see the billy goats by my parents house
 and took 6 month baby photos. 6 MONTHS! I just can't even believe it.
 We ventured out to Kohl's early Saturday morning to take advantage of their sale. All of Keating's pants are way too short and most of the 2T's in the store are on the verge of being too short. We had to go up a size so that they're long enough. Good thing toddler pants have adjustable waist bands!
We "napped" in the yard, enjoying the perfect fall weather.
And just when you think Shark Week is over, they come out of nowhere and viscously attack your beautiful mums.
Besides the above, we watched The Braves game (ouch), The Georgia game (double ouch), and finally our Falcons pulled it off... which we didn't get to see. Sometimes the whole "no cable" thing can throw a wrench in live sports.
Did anyone watch the new show Nashville? So far we are fans. We are also liking The Office again. I think they are doing better without Michael, instead of trying to replace him with someone else. Last season was just awkward.
I hope everyone else had a great weekend. 


Big 3-0

Last Friday was Brad's 30th birthday. I love the fact that he will forever be older than me and hit these birthday milestones before I do! He has also beat me to the grey hair, with a little salt and pepper starting to mix in. Shhh! Dont tell him I told you! He's really sensitive about it! I for one, really like it.
We celebrated a night out together and enjoyed a nice dinner without the kids. It was lovely that I wasn't feeding anyone making train sounds or telling Keating for the 100th time that we don't eat our dinner like a dog. As much joy as our kids bring to our lives, we did enjoy some alone time. I think every couple needs that.
Anyways, back to being 30... Tonight we are celebrating with a patio party at a local restaurant with all of our friends and family. I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Day 5 of 31 day series


It is too soon to be thinking about Christmas

It is only October, and already stores are lining up with Christmas gear. Part of it gets me really excited because who doesn't LOVE Christmas?? But, the other side of me wants to competely enjoy every day of fall! I love sitting on the porch with a glass of wine and soaking up an Autumn afternoon, when in the back of my mind I am thinking about Christmas stockings and decorations. I know this is my own fault because I search things like "Christmas Decorations" on pinterest and bring the pre-season to-do list to the front of my mind. It is only 82 days away people! I'm always thinking, it never stops...

Need Christmas stocking for Archer
Decorations for mantle
Elf on the Shelf
How will I wrap gifts?
What gifts to give everyone
More ornaments for the tree... it was a little bare last year
Convince Brad to get a real tree
I want to find a pretty manger
We need the Night Before Christmas book
What will the boys wear to Christmas Eve church service?
Will we have time to throw a party?
I want our front porch to look that pretty white Pottery Barn house
Any fun new traditions we can start?
What can I make to give to friends?
The list is never ending and I can't make it stop!!!
I try not to wish away today, but I can't help wanting to be ready for the most wonderful time of the year. Am I the only one suffering from Pre-season Christmas anxiety? Please tell me I'm not alone! I am also having trouble trying to figure out what to get a two year old that already has entirely too many toys. Any ideas? Also can anyone recommend any good Christmas books? We have all of the usual ones, but I want to add a few more to our collection.
Day 4 of 31 Days Series


Photos that make my heart happy

As I'm sure all of you know, there is a 31 day blog series going on from the Nester's page. Bloggers are writing about a lot of great topics, so you should definitely go check it out! I have really wanted to participate, but I can't think of one solitary topic to blog about for 31 days. I decided that I would just make my best effort to post every day this month, even if it is a hodge podge of topics.
Back in '08 when I started my blog, I used to blog every day, sometimes twice a day about random things or whatever was going on in our newly wed lives at the time. Over the past few years and two children later, the blog often takes a backseat until my mom urges me to update photos. I already have 2 posts for the month and this makes #3, so I am right on track. Much more so than I usually am with things considering I'm a huge procrastinator. For today I am sharing photos that make me happy. Enjoy.
Baby Disguise
Little Scotch Tape Lover
Brad drinking wine (it only took me 6 years to get him to enjoy it)
Dock party for two


Archer Months 4 and 5

Archer's four and five month shots look quite similar... I feel like he hasn't changed a whole lot! Okay, I have a confession to make, I took both of these on the same day. We got so busy that the 4 month photos never happened. Sorry Archer! I know if I dont confess it here, then I will look back one day and wonder why he didn't look like he grew in that month span!

Archer is a big boy and is hovering in the 50th percentile range. I know that is not big for most kids, but he is bigger than Keating was, so he is my little chubby baby. Archer is eating some solid foods and a bottle at most meals. This kid can pack away some food, a whole banana and 8 oz of formula is a lot for a baby his age! I am going to begin making homemade baby food again, because I like to know what he is really eating and it is much more economical. So far he is a big fan of bananas, apple sauce, squash and the strawberry banana mix... so pretty much every food he's tried. Little porker.

Keating loves his brother and is really so sweet to him. I love seeing them interact. Archer thinks Keating is the greatest and watches him constantly. If Archer is crying in his room, I will hear K over the monitor go in and tell him "It's okay, mama's coming Archer" (Which sounds more like "arthur" in his 2.5 year old speech. They melt my heart.
We tried to squeeze in a little photo shoot the same day that I took the monthly photos and actually got a few cute ones. I know my mom and MawMaw will want to see! =)

His last monthly update I mentioned the flat spot on his head and I am thankful to say that it has greatly improved since we stopped swaddling him. When he was swaddled he would only lay a certain way, but as soon as he learned to roll over we had to set his little arms free. We switched to putting him in the sleepsack and he loves it. We hope it continues to improve.

Happy Five months Archer! Hopefully your mom can do better about your 6 month photos!