
Spring has Somewhat Sprung

Spring has somewhat sprung here in Georgia. "Somewhat" meaning that every third or fourth day we will have warm weather while the days in between are usually cold and rainy. Thankfully the weekends have been warm and we have enjoyed every minute of it! 

Keating started T-ball a few weeks ago. When I originally signed him up, I thought this would be a very mild introduction to baseball and boy was I wrong. T-Ball is very serious these days! Some of the teams are very determined; thankfully our team is filled with little boys making "dirt angels" in the infield. It is really quite hilarious! 

My family showed up to cheer him on this past Saturday and he hit his very first base-hit from a coach pitched ball. He was SO proud! His cheering section cheered loudly for him and he waved to everyone as he was rounding the bases. So cute! 

While Keating is playing on the field, Archer is contently playing in the dirt. Sometimes I have to keep him from eating rocks, because apparently rocks make a nice ball park snack. The other day, I turned my back for one second and looked up to find Archer pushing his dump truck on the field in the middle of the game. This little boy is always up to something!
When we get home from games, there are serious baths in order. The other night Keating wanted to bathe alone and this was his brother's response to that request. Archer insists on doing everything his older brother does. I think it is quite sweet but Keating does not!

Besides T-ball we have spent a few evenings on my parents patio enjoying wine with good friends. There is really nothing better than spring time, I just wish it would hurry up and get here!

Tomorrow is the big investigation with the insurance company and all of our contractors to determine the cause of the gas leak/ fire. Hopefully after we get this solved we will be able to move forward on our repairs. We were originally told that the repairs would take about 6 weeks to complete. I am hoping it is much faster because it is difficult to feel so uprooted. Ultimately I trust in God's plan for our family. We were obviously tremendously blessed with protection in this whole ordeal, so I can afford to wait patiently.

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