
Weekly Updates!

29 weeks!

John Wayne loves being in my weekly pictures

* How far along?: 29 weeks
* Total weight gain: we will see today when I go to the Dr.
* How big is baby?: 16 inches long! WOW I cant believe he's all curled up in there!!
* Sex: Baby boy!
* Maternity clothes?: yes and no
* Stretch marks?: nope
* Sleep?: Pretty good, enjoying it while it lasts
* Best moment this week? Finishing painting his nursery and finding an AWESOME glider on craigslist! Pics to come!
* Movement?: Yes, he's quite the wiggle worm!
* Food cravings?: Things I shouldnt be craving like cookies...
* Labor signs?: nope
* Belly button in or out?: It depends on how he is resting in there, but most of the time I have a little outie now.
* What I miss: My sense of balance, my brain and being able to think of anything non baby related, my normal appetite (I used to never down two strawberry poptarts late at night!)
* What I'm looking forward to: Getting the nursery finished up. Its looking so great! I cant wait to share pictures!!

** I am finding that the more stuff I add to the nursery, that this is all starting to become more realistic. I can picture myself rocking him in my little glider, and putting him to sleep (hopefully) in his little cowboy crib. I guess its a good thing that Im getting excited about these things, and not scared to death! I only have 11 weeks left! Where does time go!?!?!


  1. You look adorable, I love the boots!!! Good luck at the doctor today.


  2. you look so cute! :-) hope the dr goes well!

  3. You've really popped! I thought you'd never really show, and you're so teeny that I was wondering where the heck that boy was hiding in there. :) You look absolutely amazing... so cute!!!

  4. Just came across your blog...don't even know where I saw it. Congratulations! This is an amazing time and even more intensified when it's your first. Enjoy every minute of it.

  5. You look great! And so tiny!! It will be so easy for you to lose the few pounds you gain when it's over! :)

  6. I can't wait to see new pics of the Cowboy nursery...sounds adorable!!

  7. You look so adorable and I love John Wayne's apperance!

  8. OMG you look so cute! You were definitely "popped" a couple of weeks ago, but this is the first week for me that you look REALLY pregnant!! Love it & can't wait to see you soon :)


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