

Random thoughts Friday!

1. Im so glad that the week is over and went by relatively fast!

2. Tonight I'm going to a tacky Christmas sweater party, and B is actually going to dress up! This is a rarity.

3. Tomorrow it is supposed to snow here in GA. Now realistically, I know this most likely wont happen. People will clear off the bread and milk shelves for no reason and it will probably end up being 70 degrees outside... but I still have hope!
Also the last time it snowed, I was horded up in my house addicted to the Twilight sequel, so I kind of missed the whole thing! Edward kept me quite cozy though!
4. I have a to do list this weekend. It entails painting the nursery and finishing the crib bumpers. I better get a move on! ONLY 78 DAYS TO GO!!!! AHHHH

5. I hate when people are supposed to do something, they dont do it, and then they ignore you. I did a study for a free Teutonia stroller in October, and I was supposed to receive this last month... it is a $700 amazing stroller/ infant seat combo. My contact now wont return my emails about its where abouts and I better get it STAT or Im going to pitch a HISSY FIT!

And a slice of Southern wisdom to leave you with for the weekend...
Someone is as dumb as "durt" Unbelievable!


  1. Have a great weekend painting! I too am in Atl, so I imagine no one will be on the road. I’m supposed to go out with friends Saturday night, so we will see if that happens. I personally hate cold weather!

  2. "Free durt!"

    That is so funny! People amaze me sometimes.

    I hope you get that carseat! How annoying for you to have chase them down.

  3. "Durt" Oh ahhahaha!!! Only in the south for sure!!! I always say I am going to move to Cali or Manhattan, but truthfully, I probably wouldn't love living anywhere else :-D

  4. Oh, how I miss the south! haha That's a great sign!

    We're supposed to get snow here next week, too. I guess that's normal, since this is Washington, but it doesn't seem normal to me! The high today was 30 degrees, I am freezing my butt off!!

  5. I hope you got some snow. And we have a car down the road that is "For Sell" -- it makes me laugh every time we drive by.


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