
21 Weeks!

* How far along?: 21 Weeks! Wow where does time go!?
* Total weight gain: Im still not sure... maybe four or 5 pounds? I will find out tomorrow at the Dr because I dont own a scale.
* How big is baby?: The length of a banana about 7 1/4 inches!
* Sex: BOY!!!!
* Maternity clothes?: All pants and some shirts
* Stretch marks?: nope
* Sleep?: Usually pretty good, but last night sucked
* Best moment this week? Learning that Keating is starting to like some of my favorite things (I think). Such as chocolate chip cookies, Georgia football (even though the game was a COMPLETE embarrassment) and singing at church. He was moving like crazy during all three.
* Movement?: oh yeah!
* Food cravings?: The other day I "needed" 7up with cherry so I sent B to the store to pick some up. Not quite as good as a Shirley Temple, but good enough. Im starting to get bored with all of the water I drink so Ive been mixing it up.
* Labor signs?: n/a
* Belly button in or out?: In but looking different.
* What I miss: this week isnt baby related... I miss normal Georgia fall weather. I feel like I live in Seattle! This rain has got to stop
* What I'm looking forward to: getting the nursery cleaned out so we can get a move on
* Words of Wisdom: "not to rock your baby too much because you will get them used to it" this coming from a tobacco dipping young mother. My mom rocked me as long as I would let her, and I think I turned out just fine!
* Milestone: Officially over half way and now for the countdown!


  1. My momma had to rock me too!! Haha, I even had my own chair that I called the baby chair, and I think I turned out OK too. I am tired of all the rain here in TN too..Hope your having a great day! = )

  2. I've been totally needing the new Cherry 7-Up lately... it's so good!

  3. You turned out PERFECT and don't listen to that crazy girl, you have to enjoy your time with the baby because it wont stay little long!


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