
16 weeks!

* How far along?: 16 Weeks
* Total weight gain: I'm not sure because I skipped the gym all last week! oops!
* How big is baby?: An avocado!
* Maternity clothes?: My mom so generously bought me the "school clothes" that I hinted for a few weeks ago. Thanks mom! I have been dipping into a few cute maternity shirts and wearing my Citizen jeans when my other jeans are dirty.
* Stretch marks?: nope
* Sleep?: Its been tough the past few days, not because of being pregnant but because of the horrible cough and cold I have had.
* Best moment this week? Realizing that I'm finally starting to show!
* Movement?: Nope. I'm trying SO hard to feel something! Hopefully soon!
* Food cravings?: I havent been very hungry since have been sick. Ive had to make myself eat, which is never fun.
* Labor signs?: n/a
* Belly button in or out?: In
* What I miss: Since the fair is coming this month, I will say being able to look forward to fair rides. Looks like this lady will just be enjoying the food this year!
* What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex in 8 days! Being able to buy the gender specific fabrics that I have picked out for bedding!
* Words of Wisdom: These arent really words of wisdom, but I never really appreciated cold medicine until I couldnt take it anymore. Being pregnant, you have to think of every. little. thing.
* Milestone: Watching my husband practice holding an infant. =) He was really uneasy at first, but it came to him. He got a little nervous when the baby started crying though! We will have to work on that!


  1. You look so good! Congrats on starting to show, and I feel you about not being able to take medicine. I'm having allergies, so it's been tough, and I want to take something for it, but I can't really, and it sucks!

  2. OMG I feel your pain! I had a cold when I was first pg and it was AWFUL. How you learn to appreciate things like Nyquil that you can no longer take!

    You look adorable!!!

  3. You look adorable, happy 16 weeks!!! Where have you found cute maternity shirts? I have had luck with Target and Motherhood. I did find a Pea in the Pod shirt on clearance at the Motherhood outlet in Myrtle Beach while we were there on vacation. I bet you are dying for these 8 days to go by quickly, I recall how anxious I felt to find out the gender! It's such a special moment, enjoy!


  4. I have never been pregnant, but I am allergic to acetaminophen so I can't take any of the good cold medicines, so I totally feel your pain!

  5. you look great!!!! I love how you do the survey each time!! hope you are feeling better!xoxo

  6. You're adorable!!! and I LOVE your cute belly :-)

  7. You need to start reading you new book to the baby! Or come over here and I will read it to him/her!


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