Last week we got another dusting of snow in the south. I say dusting because at our house we only got an inch or two; others I know got nearly nine inches! That much snow is basically unheard of in Georgia! The snow helps cover all of the mud that currently lies beneath it. Getting grass to grow and painting those porch railings are on a growing to-do list for the spring. We also need plants, the yard is so bare!
After everything thawed out, we had a weekend of gorgeous weather. We moved a good majority of our belongings into the house, but we are still waiting on a few things so we won't be fully moved in until sometime this week. I tell you it's the move that never ends...
Last week during the "snowpocolypse" (as it is being referred to) was Keating's 4th birthday. It is kind of ironic that he was born during a snow storm while the Winter Olympics were taking place and it was the same conditions this year. Crazy! We did a small birthday celebration during the week and thankfully the weather cooperated for an outside bash on Sunday. He had such a blast at his party and he has a new interest in girls, older girls at that... Lord help me!
The party was very low key and completely unpinterest worthy! I had quite the panic moment when I arrived an hour before his party to pick up the cake and saw it had roses and a graduation hat on it. The cake below was a quick redo and is a little wonky... but much better than a little boy having roses on his birthday cake!
I caught up on Downton Abbey last night. I don't want to give any spoilers, but I just love Anna and Bates. I also think that Lady Mary has been so great this season!
That is about all I have today. Hopefully in the next few days I have a few early decorating photos to share. I am itching to get in there and get stuff done!
I can't say much since I haven't' seen snow so I don't really understand but it sure is pretty! I agree, love Lady Mary this season!